
Dental Therapist and Children’s Dentistry

Dental therapists specialise in examining and treating diseases of the teeth in children from an early age. They work under the direct supervision of our dentists. Their dental services for children include: identifying the risk of disease, professionally applying preventive treatments, simple restorative work on deciduous and permanent teeth, the extraction of teeth under local anaesthetic and initial trauma management.

Girl child and dental hygienist at dental clinic

The Dental Therapist will make sure all their young patients are aware of and practice the best oral hygiene habits. Brushing and flossing is the most important daily routine for kids to follow from an early age. As the saying goes “it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks”. Teaching our kids the correct techniques to maintain oral health, will give them a lifetime of health benefits.

At Choice Dental, we ensure children are provided with a fun and enjoyable dental experience. This will minimize the risk of dental phobias and encourage a lifetime of superior oral health. The philosophy of our dental surgery is to provide high quality dentistry services in a relaxed and comfortable setting. Any dental work too complex to be treated in our practice will be referred to the appropriate specialist.