
Free Kids Dentist Through Child Dental Benefits

Don’t miss out on the Government’s $1,026 dental benefits for your child…to safeguard their oral health and well-being.

Choice Dental is happy to support all patients who are eligible for assistance under the CDBS and are backed by accreditations and awards such as Three Best Rated’s Top 3 Pediatric Dentists in Logan City.
To book your child in for their free dental treatment, or for more information about how to use the CDBS dental benefits, call Choice Dental on 07 3809 3320

*Alternatively, please submit the webform below and we will email you back with your free kids’ dental eligibility status.

pediatric dentist award top 3 logan city

Choice Dental

Awarded 2022 Top 3 Pediatric Dentist in Logan City

by Three Best Rated


What is the Child Dental Benefits Scheme(CDBS)

The Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS) is a government-funded dental health program that provides approximately 3 million Australian children (aged 2 – 17) with access to a benefit cap of up to $1,026 for basic dental services over a consecutive two-year period.


Take Care of Your Children’s Teeth for Free

The 2-year cap period begins with your child’s first dental visit that is covered by the benefit. If you don’t use the entire $1,026 benefit in the first year, you can continue to access the balance of your child’s benefit in the second year – as long as your child is still eligible.

At the end of the 2 year period, you cannot carry forward any remaining balance into the following year. You will have to begin a new 2-year benefit cap period.

The CDBS covers a range of basic services*:

  • clean and scale
  • check-ups and examinations
  • X-rays
  • fissure sealing
  • filling treatments
  • root canal therapy
  • tooth extractions

*The CDBS benefit is not available for cosmetic or orthodontic dental services for children.

Child Dental Benefits Eligibility

To be eligible for the CDBS, your child must be aged between 2 and 17, be eligible for Medicare, and be receiving one of the following Government payments (for you, your child or your teenage child’s partner) on at least 1 day within the calendar year:

  • Family Tax Benefit A
  • Parenting payment
  • Double Orphan Pension
  • Carer payment
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Special Benefit
  • Youth Allowance
  • Financial assistance from the Veteran’s Children Education Scheme (VCES)
  • Financial assistance from the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (MRCAETS) – if your child is over 16

You should also have received a letter from Medicare advising you of your children’s eligibility for the CDBS.


No payments and no gap fees for all general dental services

Choice Dental electronically bulk bill all general dental services for children covered by the CDBS – so you won’t have to submit a claim. There are also no gap fees unless you exceed the $1,026 limit within the 2-year benefit cap period.

For a safe, comfortable, and nurturing dental home for your child, look no further than Choice Dental.

CALL 07 3809 3320

Schedule Your Child For a Visit with a Pediatric Dentist

*Alternatively, please submit the webform below and we will email you back with your free kids dental eligibility status.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.